11 Books that Talk about Giving
A cold and lonely man lays stranded along a dirt road. What clothes he had left were all tattered and bloody. Pain is etched on his brow. To a passer by he appeared to have been dead, or in least ways,...
View ArticlePutting Christ in CHRISTmas
For many years I remember not celebrating Christmas the traditional way. By traditional, I mean, no Christmas tree, no gifts, no stockings. My family didn’t stop this, because they didn’t like it or...
View Article3 Ways to Learn about Pocahontas
I’ve always had a love for Native Americans. It started young, but progressed once I learned that I had some Native American blood in me. I read so many different books about one famous Native American...
View ArticleWhy Relationships are Important
I know what if feels like to not have a friend. I didn’t have many growing up. There were some spells that I had a friend or two (mostly boys, because they were friends with my brother), but then there...
View ArticleA Collection of Oregon Trail Books and Resources
I remember just a few short years ago how much in love I was with the Oregon Trail. I would spend hours a week reading and researching all I could about the Oregon Trail. If I found out something...
View Article20 Picture Books on Spring
I can honestly say that snow and I are not best friends. The first snow is always pretty, laying a blanket of fresh clean snow, but the snow that comes after that…why? I am a Virginia girl. Stuck in...
View ArticleWhy I Chose to Court: and what books helped me make that decision
As a child I always looked to dating as the “thing” that we all looked forward too. Everyone was doing it. Once a guy started being interested in you that you automatically started going on...
View ArticleA Super Awesome Creation vs. Evolution Curriculum
You know the talk. The never ending dispute about creation vs. evolution. The thousands of years vs the millions and even trillions of years of how we came to be. The simple story of creation found in...
View ArticleGraduation Gifts & Keepsakes
Wow, it seems like it was just yesterday that I put on my light blue cap and gown and walked across the stage to my parents, who handed me my diploma. It seems like only a short bit ago since I got on...
View ArticleAll Year Round Gift Ideas for Pre-Teen Boys
One of the hardest things for me is finding all year round gifts ideas for pre-teen boys that are past the die-cast car and lego phase. When they are young it is super simple to find something that...
View ArticleAll Year Round Gift Ideas for Pre-Teen Girls
Nothing made me happier that getting stationary and stamps for presents. It was literally so much joy for me. It is because of my parents’ philosophy of gifts that has allowed me to find some really...
View Article25 Books for Christmas
Do you ever get that deep desire to start a family countdown to Christmas tradition? I think about what I want to do with my future kids come December 1st and have a super special way to usher in...
View ArticleA List of Winter Books for Children
It is hard to believe that it is already wintertime. When I look outside my bedroom window, I can already see all the bare trees and can imagine the cool, crisp air when I breathe in. To me, reading in...
View ArticleA List of Holiday Movies for the Family
One of my favorite things about the holidays is the movies that are broadcast on television. Yes, many of the movies have the same plots, similar characters, same ending. To me though they each hold...
View ArticleA Super Awesome Creation vs. Evolution Curriculum
You know the talk. The never ending dispute about creation vs. evolution. The thousands of years vs the millions and even trillions of years of how we came to be. The simple story of creation found in...
View ArticleGraduation Gifts & Keepsakes
Wow, it seems like it was just yesterday that I put on my light blue cap and gown and walked across the stage to my parents, who handed me my diploma. It seems like only a short bit ago since I got on...
View ArticleAll Year Round Gift Ideas for Pre-Teen Boys
One of the hardest things for me is finding all year round gifts ideas for pre-teen boys that are past the die-cast car and lego phase. When they are young it is super simple to find something that...
View ArticleAll Year Round Gift Ideas for Pre-Teen Girls
Nothing made me happier that getting stationary and stamps for presents. It was literally so much joy for me. It is because of my parents’ philosophy of gifts that has allowed me to find some really...
View Article25 Books for Christmas
Do you ever get that deep desire to start a family countdown to Christmas tradition? I think about what I want to do with my future kids come December 1st and have a super special way to usher in...
View ArticleA List of Winter Books for Children
It is hard to believe that it is already wintertime. When I look outside my bedroom window, I can already see all the bare trees and can imagine the cool, crisp air when I breathe in. To me, reading in...
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